Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Innovative Uses for Recycled Cars

As you've probably heard before, the junk cars industry has been working harder and harder to protect our environment by offering eco-friendly junk car removal services.

The truth is, even though your car might not be worth anything to you and you deem it as "junk," what the car is made of actually holds great value for automotive recycling services and junk car buyers.

The aluminum and steel that makes up the body of the car can be easily recycled into other products via the industry's car shredding process. Upwards to 75% of the junk car can be recycled in this manner. Other materials might found in the car such as plastics, fabrics, rubbers, leather, etc., could find themselves in landfills, or in junk yards where people can pick through them in order to keep their own vehicles entact.

In order to keep these parts out of landfills, some people have gotten creative, coming up with innovative ways to reuse these old car parts and materials. Yes, that's right, you too can aid in the junk car recycling process.

Some of the innovative ways people have reused these parts are by harvesting certain parts from the cars to create one-of-a-kind furnishings such as coffee tables, shelves, sofas, etc.

Art is also a popular happy ending for old junk car parts that avoided landfills. This should call out to you Cabbagetown/East Atlanta folks. Some folks have built sculptures, fashioned custom light fixtures and lamps, as well as welded together several pieces of an old automobile that looked good and hung it on their wall.

So if you've got a junk car that you're looking to sell, feel free to harvest some of the no-so-valuable parts to come up with some unique ways to use these old parts so they avoid our local landfills.

More Cash For Junk Cars Atlanta
Address: 1170 Peachtree Street #1261 Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: (404) 468-4589

Saturday, July 20, 2013

This Car is on Fire!

No, it's not the newest hit from Alicia Keys, this car was literally on FIRE!

As you know, More Cash For Junk Cars Atlanta is one of the leaders in junk car removal services in metro Atlanta and throughout north Georgia. From time to time, we come across some pretty incredible stories involving our customers and their cars.

In the video below, we interview the owner of a junk car in Stone Mountain, Georgia. As you watch you'll hear her story of how smoke started billowing through the air vents as the car proceeded to catch fire.

The fire was far too hot for them to open the hood in an effort to extinguish the flames with water. Everything under the hood was destroyed. All of the plastic pieces of the motor melted and left this unfortunate Dodge Caravan owner with a certain junk car on her hands.

Even though the car was destroyed, she wasn't quite ready to get rid of it. Lucky for her, even though the car was a total loss, she was able to get some cash for it that our we buy junk cars company was able to offer her.

If you've got a car you'd like to get rid of, no matter what the condition, pick up the phone right now and give us a call at (404) 468-4589, and we'll be happy to pay you cash to take it away.

More Cash For Junk Cars Atlanta
Address: 1170 Peachtree Street #1261 Atlanta, GA 30309
Phone: (404) 468-4589

Monday, July 15, 2013

Expensive Repairs that Lead People to Sell Junk Cars

As we all know, cars need typically need continual maintenance and upkeep to keep them running efficiently and effectively.

Over time, cars start to deteriorate and eventually need major repairs or upgrades to keep them running efficiently - and sometimes just to keep them on the road.

Aside from general body damage from car accidents that need to be repaired, some repairs or upgrades are just too much to bare for some vehicle owners, leading them to seek out junk car buying companies who pay cash for junk cars, rather than pay for the costly repair.


Replacing Turbochargers on Your Vehicle

Turbo chargers, as the term suggests, provide more power to your engine by generating bigger explosions in the cylinders. More power equates to higher engine outputs and more speed. However, turbo chargers make the engine and its systems susceptible to damage and intense heat.

Car expert Art Jacobsen says that engines equipped with turbo chargers need just the right amount of oil to keep the engine from heating up. However, too little and too much oil can spell huge damage to the overall engine structure and significantly hamper the performance of your car.

If you need to replace your car's turbochargers or simply repair them, don't be surprised if you need to spend anywhere from $700 to $3000 depending on the extent of the work involved.


Replacing Catalytic Converter

Catalytic converters reduce the toxic elements from your car’s exhaust emissions, which is good for the environment. However, replacing them can cost you a lot of money, since most catalytic converters are made of the earth’s most rare metals - platinum, palladium and rhodium.

In the state of Georgia, your vehicle will not pass an annual emissions test without the catalytic converter and replacement costs can get up to nearly $3000. The catalytic converter is also one of the primary pieces that are of value to companies who buy junk cars.


Replacing Hybrid Batteries

While the automobile industry is slowly shifting to environmentally-friendlier vehicles, the whole sector is not yet keen to go green. Hybrid batteries may sound good on the wallet with their correlation to the gas pump, but if something goes wrong, repairs and replacement can cost you a pretty penny.

Jacobsen says that there are very few mechanics across United States who are familiar with hybrid batteries and engines. On top of that, hybrid batteries and replacement parts are still in short supply. Installation/replacement costs: can start around $2700 depending on the model of your hybrid vehicle.

Replacing hybrid inverter assembly

When you're purchasing a hybrid automobile, it's important to note that not all car repair shops offer automotive services for hybrid automobiles. This is one of the reasons why replacing a hybrid’s inverter assembly can be so costly. Inverters allow cars to switch from direct current to alternating current. However, if and when the inverters fail, costs can shoot to as high as $4,000 to $7,400.


Cylinder replacements

A common problem or every car owner out there are burned out cylinders. Although faulty cylinders are familiar for most car owners and car mechanics, it can be very costly if the damage is extensive. Parts are pricey. But it is the labor takes a huge chunk out of your wallet.

Mechanics have to dismantle the whole engine in order to do the repair. Sometimes, the pay is too high that many automobile owners decide to junk the vehicle altogether and get a new one instead. Depending on your location, repair costs can get up to $4000.

If you're not interested in making these type of pricy repairs on your car, consider selling your junk car to a junk car buyer in your area.